What I’m Working on: Bob Greenberger

bobavatar3Ask an author what he’s working on and he will either be specific about whatever is on his computer right then and there or tell about every iron in the fire, from contracted works to pipe dreams. But our minds are always “on”, always looking at something and asking, “What if…?” There will never be enough time to write everything that occurs to us nor is everyone momentary cogitation worthy of development.

There is also the matter of the other distractions in our lives that may make some projects easier to focus on than others. Rarely can creativity be turned on and off so we all have partially completed works that await the right moment.

And there come times when the opportunity seems to have passed you by and the project no longer makes sense so its time to reluctantly put it aside.

SH_Murder at Sorrows Crown_cvrThankfully, I have a few things cooking that are real enough to talk about. First up, Voyageur Books has decided to release a softcover edition of my Star Trek: The Complete Unauthorized History. I’m not sure when it will be out but I’ll be sure to let you know.

Coming in the fall is The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Murder at Sorrow’s Crown, co-written with Steven Savile. This was certainly a creative stretch and I await my editor’s feedback in May to see if we were successful or not. I have to say, it was a challenge in a good way.

I also have completed one of Joe’s Books Cinestories, a graphic novel adaptation of the 2011 Winnie the Pooh movie. It was a good exercise in storytelling and I am scheduled to do at least one more for them.

On Thursday I received the happy news that a media tie-in anthology has been approved by the publisher. I have three story ideas in with the editors and we’ll see which one they select. It’s a new-to-me franchise and one that could be loads of fun.

Of course, I continue to review books and movies at ComicMix and recommend collected editions twice a month over at Westfield Comics. I have some upcoming articles for Back Issue! magazine and am completing a piece for the Doc Savage novel reprints.

But what about Crazy 8, you ask? Well, there’s my forthcoming contribution to Pangaea but after that, I will be writing my first solo ReDeus novel. I discussed this over at my own blog if you’re curious but I will be updating you here, too.

So, atop being a fulltime teacher, I manage to find time to get some writing done and trust me, it feels good.

Spotlight on our Author Spotlights

Pangaea titlePart of the fun of running a Kickstarter campaign for our Pangaea anthology is writing Author Spotlights. I know, they sound like they’d be a chore. But they’re not. Really.

The reason is as I’m writing them, I’m also marveling at the talent we’ve assembled to explore Pangaea–a super-continent on which mankind lives and always has lived, according to our unique sci fi alternate reality. You’ve got to admit, it’s a pretty good list.

Christian-Kane-The-Librarians-3_0Our first spotlight was on Geoffrey Thorne, a multi-talented fellow who was a successful actor before he became a TV writer and a damned good one. His current assignment is to co-produce The Librarians. Yeah, those Librarians. The man’s also got a voice like an angel, for what that’s worth.

Next we profiled Michael A. Burstein, who writes the kind of brilliant science fiction that Isaac Asimov would be proud of. Michael’s been nominated for so many Hugos and Nebulas, he’s lost count of them. Well, almost. And his story I Remember The Future is now an award-winning indie film.

BuffaloThen there’s Lawrence M. Schoen, a professor of psycholinguistics (yeah, that’s a thing, apparently) and one of the foremost Terran experts on the Klingon language. By the way, he’s also been nominated for a Nebula award for the third year in a row, which doesn’t happen too often these days.

Next up? Don’t tell anyone, but his initials just might be Paul Kupperberg. And he just might be the guy who (SPOILER ALERT) killed Archie. Or that might be a nasty rumor…Death of Archie variant

If you’re half as excited as I am to see what these guys are planning for Pangaea, head over to our Kickstarter website and see what the fuss is all about. You might even want to click on the Tuckerization reward that earns you the right to name a character in one of their stories.

If not, there are a whole bunch of other goodies you can wrangle. You know, like autographed books and such. Something for everyone.

Here’s the link so you can be part of the fun.

See you in Pangaea, all right?

Genius de Milo Cover Unveiled

Genius De MiloHey there folks! The newest book from Russ Colchamiro is coming soon!

As the highly anticipated sequel to his hilarious scifi backpacking comedy Finders Keepers, Genius de Milo picks up the action three years later, and amps up the cosmic lunacy, taking us places only Russ could conjure up.

So as we eagerly await Genius de Milo, here’s the book’s brilliant new cover from Roy Mauritsen!

Welcome to Pangaea

Pangaea Cover V2 (Large)Throughout history, mankind has lived on many continents. In fact, our diversity as a species has been shaped by this fact. But imagine if we had all grown up on a single continent–a supercontinent, if you will.

There have actually been at least four such supercontinents since the birth of our planet. The one you’re probably familiar with is the most recent of them: Pangaea. Of course, Pangaea split up long before mankind’s first ancestor reared his head.

But…what if humanity had evolved before Pangaea split up? What if a supercontinent was all we had ever known?

It’s an interesting question. Interesting enough, we decided here at Crazy 8 Press, to make it the basis for an anthology. And what more appropriate name for this anthology than Pangaea?

But we didn’t want to hog the idea. So we opened up this anthology to some of the most vital imaginations in science fiction and fantasy. Imaginations like those of Michael A. Burstein, Adam-Troy Castro, Lawrence M. Schoen, Geoffrey Thorne, Kelly Meding, and the team of Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore.

Pangaea titleTogether, we’re creating a world that’s familiar in some ways and remarkably alien in others. A world we trust you’ll enjoy.

And to make it all possible, we’re asking for your help via a Kickstarter campaign. Check it out. See if it’s something you’d like to support–in return, of course, for a host of really nifty rewards.

We hope that you, like us, will want to be an enduring part of Pangaea.

Hey Kids, Comics! Comes to Kindle and Audiobooks

hey kids, comicsCrazy 8 Press sees its first audiobook and what better title to work with than Rob Kelley’s loving trip down memory lane, Hey Kids, Comics!? The book and its three dozen or so essays talks about our personal love affair with comic books, from collecting them to storing and trading them. There’s a nice, diverse assortment of writers and finally, the book is now available as a Kindle eBook or an audiobook, narrated by Ross Landy.

As Rob writes at his blog, he is soliciting and collecting essays for a second must-read volume. But first, check out this book.

An Update and Happy Holidays from Crazy 8 Press!

C8 Farpoint MeetingWe’ve been quiet here at Crazy 8 central but far from idle. All the members have been toiling away, some on projects to debut here in 2015 and some doing work for other publishers. But trust us, we’ve got plans for the coming year, everything from new titles from the individual members but a new collaborative project.

So, back over the summer, Crazy 8 Press released the paperback edition of our collaborative anthology, Tales of the Crimson Keep. It was tremendous fun for the original founders to revisit our first shared universe. Our subsequent members, Russ Colchamiro and Paul Kupperberg, also joined in and the volume debuted as our third anniversary present to readers.

And now, in time for last minute gift giving, the Kindle and Nook editions of the book are available at this link.

To date, the comments received online and in person have been gratifying, so much so, that we’re raising the stakes. Mike Friedman has spent all fall working on something that we’ll be revealing just after the holidays. It’s big, it’s ambitious, and has all of us very excited.

We’ll be discussing this when the team reconvenes in February at Farpoint in Maryland.

In the meantime, we’ve been tweaking things here and there. Working behind the scenes for the last year, Jennifer Rosenberg (yes, Aaron’s adorable wife) has been helping us out on our social media outreach. She’s got us up and running and is moving on to other challenges and we want to publically thank her for the efforts (and for putting up with us). Additionally, the website has been slowly evolving and credit goes to webmaster wunderkind Kate Cooke, so here’s a public thank you.

While we’re not quite ready to reveal titles for 2015, we can assure you that each and every one of us has something in the works, aimed at this site. Previously mentioned projects — such as Russ’ sequel to Finders Keepers or Peter David bringing his Sir Apropos series to C8 – are still happening. Other original works are in the world and some of those will be revealed in the coming weeks and months.

For now, though, we want to thank you for your support. Your purchases and comments continue to encourage us to strive harder and bring you things we want to write and think you’d enjoy reading. Have a safe, happy holiday season and we’ll be chatting again just after the New Year.

Crazy Good Stories