All posts by Bob Greenberger

Coming in March: Crossline by Russ Colchamiro

Up until now our little gang at Crazy 8 has published books by just our little band of writers — the founding members, as we like say (ahem-hem). But we finally thought, you know, it’s time we opened our doors to some of Russ Grooves an Alienour fellow writers and bring them into the Crazy 8 family. As announced at Farpoint this afternoon, this will be our next offering and one we’re excited about.

With that, let’s  welcome our newest brother in arms — author Russ Colchamiro.

If you don’t know Russ, his debut novel was the hilarious sci-fi backpacking comedy Finders Keepers, which he published to some nice fanfare through 3 Finger Prints.

In fact, review site Ruled by Books had this to say about Russ: “There are only a handful of comedic authors that I enjoy, tops among them being Douglas Adams and Christopher Moore. After reading Finders Keepers … add Russ Colchamiro to that list.”

And now he’s back with his latest novel, Crossline, which will debut in Mid-March as the first official Crazy 8 novel written by an outside author.

So what’s Crossline about?

If you ask Russ, he calls it a modern-day Buck Rogers/Flash Gordon-style space opera, with his usual time-bending, philosophical shenanigans mixed in, as well as action, space soaring thrills, some deadly, but lovely ladies, and of course, loads of humor.

Space battles? Check

Wormholes? Check

Alternate realities? Check

Pot smoking shaman? Check

You want more? Keep checking in with us here  for further updates and pretty soon we’ll hear from Russ himself about how this crazy space opera came together.

Crazy 8 Helps Farpoint Celebrate their 20th

Farpoint 20 LogoTomorrow, Crazy 8 Press will assemble at Farpoint in lovely Timonium, Maryland for a weekend of fun. We’ll be at our very own table signing autographs, selling books, and helping the con celebrate its 20th anniversary.

As you know, Peter David will be unable to attend as he continues to rehab from his stroke. However, his daughter Ariel will be on hand and throughout the weekend some very cool artwork, signed pictures by Bill Mumy and autographed books by Harlan Ellison will be auctioned off to help raise funds to offset medical costs.

The print editions of Latchkeys: Splinters and Aztlan will be making their debuts at the show.

In addition to a C8-centric panel – where we will discuss how we’ve been doing and what you can expect from us next — you can find us on the following panels:

Aztlan front coverMike Friedman

Friday 10PM: Book Fair (Con Suite)

Saturday 11AM: Autograph Session (see note below)
Saturday 1PM: Crazy 8 Press (Dulaney 2)
Saturday 4PM: Writing Media Tie-Ins (Chesapeake 2)

Sunday 11AM: Reading (30 minutes in Ridgely 1)
Sunday 1PM: After Earth (Dulaney 2)

Bob Greenberger

Friday 10PM: Book Fair (Con Suite)

Saturday 10AM:  Bob Greenberger (Greenspring)
Saturday 1PM: Crazy 8 Press (Dulaney 2)
Saturday 2PM-4PM:  All Kinds of Writing Workshop with Howie (Parlor)
Saturday 4PM: Time Management for Writers (Dulaney 2)

Sunday 10AM: The Bob & Howie Show
Sunday11AM: The Business of Being a Writer (Dulaney 2)
Sunday1PM: After Earth (Dulaney 2)
Sunday 2PM: Music to Write By (Dulaney 2)

Glenn Hauman

Friday 10PM: Book Fair (Con Suite)

Saturday 10 AM: Bob Greenberger & movies
Saturday  1PM: Crazy 8 Press (Dulaney 2)
Saturday  2PM: Did We Win? (Dulaney 2)

LatchkeysOmnibusCoverAaron Rosenberg

Friday 6PM Writing YA Fiction (Dulaney 2)
Friday 10PM: Book Fair (Con Suite)

Saturday 12PM: Self-Publishing and Self-Promotion (Dulaney 2)
Saturday 1 PM: Crazy 8 Press (Dulaney 2)
Saturday 4 PM: Writing Media Tie-Ins (Chesapeake 2)

Sunday 10 PM: Plotters vs. Pantsers (Dulaney 2)
Sunday 11 PM: Business of Being a Writer (Dulaney 2)
Sunday 12 PM: Autograph Session (Crazy 8 table)
Sunday 1 PM: World Building (Parlor)

What is Glenn Reading?

www_wednesdays42This week, Glenn Hauman weighs on his current reading in support of Should Be Reading blog’s Wednesday meme.

What have you just read?

The last comic I read was Daredevil #22, by Mark Waid & Chris Samnee. An old fashioned super-hero team up. Kind of. The last book I read was  The Onion Book of Known Knowledge, an incredibly useful book. Where else would I learn that the most plentiful object on Earth is the mouse pad?

What are you reading now?

Currently I’m reading The Signal And The Noise by Nate Silver. Very neat stuff, information theory, statistics, odds, and how being able to predict the future is a function of how well you understand the present.

What is next on your “To Be Read” pile?

I suspect it’ll be Gun Machine by Warren Ellis. But I’m getting proofs of Seduction of the Innocent by Max Allan Collins, and I soooo want to be seduced.

What is Bob Reading?

www_wednesdays42If it’s Wednesday, it’s time to talk other books, specifically books we’re reading. Following Should Be Reading’s meme, here are the books I’m currently immersed in:

What have you just read?

I have just completed the lost Mike Hammer novel, Lady, Go Die, co-written by the late, great Mickey Spillane and completed by Max Allan Collins. A fine collaboration and terrific period potboiler.

What are you reading now?

I am deep into Michael A. Martin’s Star Trek: Titan novel Fallen Gods. I’ve enjoyed his solo efforts and the Titan series as a whole has been nicely segregated from the overall continuity, keeping these fresh tales.

What is next on your To Be Read pile?

Probably it’ll be time to dig back into Westeros and read A Feast for Crows, the fourth of the Game of Thrones novels. I read the first three last year and want to stay fresh before the sprawling cast becomes too difficult to track.

Crazy 8 Press goes to the Conventions

Farpoint logoA new year means a new round of convention appearances. Here’s where you can find Crazy 8 Press’ team between now and the summer:

Peter David

As you know, Peter is currently rehabbing from his stroke so his convention calendar is barren until he and his doctors are comfortable with him traveling. We expect to see him back on the road over the summer.

lunacon-logoMike Friedman

At present, the only appearance scheduled so far is Farpoint.

Bob Greenberger

I’ll be at Farpoint in February, followed by Lunacon in March. Without an I-Con this year, the spring will feel fairly empty. Still, I will likely next turn up at Balticon.

Glenn Hauman

As usual, Glenn can be found at Farpoint in February and then at Lunacon in March.

concarolinasAaron Rosenberg

Aaron will be at Farpoint, down in Maryland, over Valentine’s Day weekend–his wife is none too pleased about that!

Then he’ll be at ConCarolinas the last weekend of May.

Aztlan The Courts of Heaven is Now Available!

“I like the idea. No–I love the idea. But we can’t publish it.” That’s what one editor told me about  my proposal for a 21st-century Aztec murder mystery series called Aztlan. “Why not?” I asked.

Because, I was told, Aztecs don’t sell.

Because, though Aztlan is an alternate history, it will confuse alternate-history readers who expect to see the immediate results of the historical turning point–in this case, the failure of Hernan Cortes to conquer the Aztecs, which eventually leads to the modern Aztec empire of Mexica stretching from the Arctic to what we call Tierra Del Fuego. In the Aztlan books, that turning point is hundreds of years in the past; it’s backdrop. Detective Maxtla Colhua doesn’t think about it on a daily basis any more than you or I think about the Pilgrims.

Because, though Aztlan is a mystery, it’s set in the kind of world mystery readers aren’t used to–one in which an Emperor makes all the rules, people still worship the Aztec pantheon, and slave brokers are honest businessmen.

A big problem was that retailers wouldn’t know where to put it in their stores. My suggestion, of course, was that retailers put it everywhere in their stores. That didn’t go over well.

So traditional publishing couldn’t offer Aztlan a home. But Crazy 8 Press? Heck, that’s why we invented the imprint in the first place: To give readers access to quality, passion-driven projects that traditional publishing can’t afford to take a chance on.

Aztlan: The Courts of Heaven, the second book in the Aztlan mystery series, is now available as a Kindle or Nook e-book. And a couple of weeks from now it’ll be a paperback, also available through Amazon.

I heartily recommend that you try Aztlan: The Last Sun, the first book in the series, to see how different a mystery can be. Then pick up Aztlan: The Courts of Heaven. And then tell your friends about it, because we’re all in this post-traditional publishing world together.